a shop
dedicated to the Ocean
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The Oceanographic Museum’s shop offers, in an exceptional location, an additional way to end your visit: gifts, souvenirs, documentation on the ocean and its many inhabitants are on the programme, for young and old alike!
To please yourself, to offer and to cultivate yourself
Discover the personalized products designed and selected for you by the Oceanographic Museum:
- une gamme éco-responsable
- publishing (fine books, comics, thematic books)
- toys and stuffed animals
- textiles (T-shirts, polo shirts, etc.)
- objects for all: home, jewelry, mugs …

A committed shop
Since 2017 The Museum shop has been part of the “Committed Trade” programme initiated by the Monaco Government.
In this way, we contribute to the protection of the oceans through concrete actions.
- Reduction of paper bag distribution
- Waste reduction and sorting
- Training of the entire team in selective sorting
- Reuse of packaging
- Optimization of lighting (low energy equipment)
- Highlighting eco-responsible products
- Highlighting products that promote the circular economy