Explorers and citizens of the seas
Participate in the 2021-2022 edition
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- Explorers and Citizens of the Seas
Launched in 2017 and aimed at middle and high school classes, the “Explorer and Citizen of the Seas” program is supported by the Academic Delegation for Artistic and Cultural Education (DAAC) of the Academy of Nice. It is built and implemented in partnership with the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and the
Explorations of Monaco

Through thematic workshops (mammal sounds, protected Mediterranean species, coral) carried out at the Museum and based on the missions of the Explorations de Monaco, the class projects developed by the classes will be in line with the joint objectives of the partners:
- cultural and scientific openness (methodology and scientific approach, history of science, scientific writing, storytelling, exploration log, measurements, instrumentation, data processing, jobs, meeting professionals, etc.)
- ocean exploration, eco-citizenship, sustainability science approach, international dimension of research
- understanding of the environmental, political and educational stakes of a scientific exploration campaign over one or two school years and comparing it with historical and current campaigns.
– Registration, logistics, financial aid, report on work: Laurence Bonnefond, DAAC officer in charge of scientific culture: laurence.bonnefond@ac-nice.fr
– Content resources, contacts of the actors of the missions: Didier Théron, Head of Mediation Explorations in Monaco : dtheron@monacoexplorations.org
– Reservation and selection of the Museum’s educational workshops: Laurie Perrot, Project Manager of the Museum’s Activities and Education Department: service.animations@oceano.org

How to register and participate
- Intended audience: middle and high school classes
- Registration is mandatory, by email to Laurence Bonnefond: laurence.bonnefond@ac-nice.fr
- Possible financial support for classes registered in response to the DAAC’s call for EAC projects, for the 2021-2022 school year, available on the ADAGE platform from May 17 to July 6, 2021
- For high schools, possible response to the INES call for projects of the Region before May 31, 2021
- Return of student work related to the scheme: 31 May 2022. Expected in a poster format (template provided).
Key dates
- June to September 2021: call for projects from institutions for 2021-2022 projects
- October 13, 2021 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.:Teachers will meet at the Oceanographic Museum for a presentation of the Museum’s educational resources and workshops related to the exploration missions.
- November 2021: start of projects
- At the end of the year: promotion of the projects and work carried out in the schools, on partner sites or during events (World Oceans Day, Science Festival, etc.)
300 élèves reçus au Musée pour des ateliers éducatifs
As part of this educational project ” Explorers and Citizens of the Seas”, 300 pupils were able to visit the Oceanographic Museum in Monaco and take part in the workshops offered by teams from the Events Department. On the programme: workshops linked to the themes covered during their school year: The… sounds of Mediterranean marine mammals, SOS Turtles, Protected species of the Mediterranean or Corals: builders of biodiversity.
So many opportunities for study, exchange and dialogue to complement the rich materials of Explorations of Monaco such as the Sphyrna Mission or the Gombessa 5 Mission, which served to illustrate in a unique way important parts of the students’ curriculum, such as the study of marine mammal sounds, marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean, diving as an exploration technique, or the preservation of marine turtles and coral reefs.