a coral thematic trail
to discover in the heart of the Museum
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- The Coral Trail
Coral, the guarantor of many ecosystems, is in danger. However, it has real capabilities, even powers that are essential to the survival of humans, terrestrial and marine species as a whole.
It’s hard to guess that it is the source of vast underwater landscapes and constitutes real oases of life in the middle of the ocean!
Because of their importance in global ecosystems, corals must now, more than ever, be at the heart of our strategies.
H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, Honorary President of the Oceanographic Institute
To help you discover the coral, the Oceanographic Institute has set up a semi-permanent tour in the museum. 5 dedicated areas highlight the different facets of the coral, from its origins to the relationship it has today with its environment. Entitled “Zoom Coral”, this thematic tour is to be discovered throughout of the visit.
- Oceanomania
Unlocking the secrets of coral, from myth to reality
Is the coral red? When did it originate? Is it a plant, an animal or a stone? Why would it be essential to human survival? Does it have real powers?
So many questions about coral and its environment can be answered in this part of the museum.
It’s up to you to discover the secrets!

Photographic exhibition of the Coral Guardian association
The photographic exhibition CORAIL allows us to discover the remarkable story of traditional Indonesian fishermen, from the small island of Serava Besar, off the west coast of the island of Flores. This island is located in the centre of the Coral Triangle, the epicentre of the planet’s marine biodiversity . With 6 million km², 76% of the coral species and 56% of the coral reef fish in the Indo-Pacific region, the Coral Triangle has more biodiversity than anywhere else in the world.
Through the shots of photographer Martin Colognoli, discover how the fishermen of Serava Besar protect and restore the destroyed ecosystem on which they directly depend for their livelihood: the coral reef.

- IMMERSION - Whale Hall
Dive the Great Barrier Reef
A unique immersive and interactive experience for all!
This summer, at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, dive on the Great Barrier Reef to meet its most emblematic species.
Prepare for exceptional encounters during this virtual dive at the crossroads of contemplation and interaction!

- Aquariums
Marvel at the beauty of the coral reefs
The tropical aquariums of the Oceanographic Museum have many species of corals and various species of animals that depend on them.
The Great Coral Ferry (Level -1) and the Djibouti Ferry (Level -2) are two areas to stop in front of, especially during the “Zoom Coral” tour. The second one shows the beginnings of the coral culture which started at the Museum more than 30 years ago!
- Fluorescent Coral Basin Room
Preserving a real treasure, the coral
A real treasure for animal, plant and human species, coral is nevertheless in danger. The images of bleaching, now being broadcast on a large scale, aim to raise awareness of the many threats to coral reefs.
Fortunately, various associative and institutional initiatives are being implemented to contribute to the preservation of coral ecosystems. And everyone, at their own level, can find ways to save the reefs.