An Explorations de Monaco mission
An Explorations de Monaco mission
An Explorations de Monaco mission
An Explorations de Monaco mission
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- Exhibition Martinique
From 17 December 2019, the Oceanographic Museum’s Conference Room will host a new exhibition of Monaco Explorations for the first time in public!
You will have access to about twenty very large format photos: some of them present the inauguration of a marine protected area in Martinique in the presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, in homage to Albert Falco, Captain Cousteau’s famous second-in-command; others bear witness to the scientific mission of the Explorations de Monaco which followed a few months later on site, focused on marine turtles and in particular the study of green turtles thanks to new techniques of on-board cameras and other connected objects. Relive these moments of research and mediation of the Explorations de Monaco…
Martinique: two highlights
This exhibition traces how the links between the Principality of Monaco and Martinique were strengthened in 2017 and 2018 on the occasion of two highlights:
- The inauguration of the Prêcheur Albert Falco Marine Nature Reserve by H.S.H. Prince Albert II on 27 October 2017,
- The mission conducted from 2 to 18 October 2018 by teams from the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC/CNRS, University of Strasbourg), Ifremer and Explorations de Monaco to study the behaviour of green turtles.

Inauguration of the Reserve
Albert Falco
On October 27, 2017, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco went to the north of “l’île aux fleurs” to inaugurate the Prêcheur Albert Falco Marine Territorial Nature Reserve and thus pay tribute to the memory of the Captain of the Calypso, a faithful companion of Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau.
This visit symbolises the Principality’s strong commitment to the development of Marine Protected Areas throughout the world.
Today, we have enough experience to know that marine reserves and protected areas are the best way to regulate overfishing and protect ecosystemsS.AS. Prince Albert II of Monaco, 27 October 2017, Martinique.

Famous diver and captain of the Calypso, Captain J-Y Cousteau’s ship, Albert Falco was one of the instigators of the Prêcheur Territorial Nature Reserve project which today bears his name. This lover of the sea and of Martinique has left his mark on those who had the privilege of working with him. The people of Martinique have not forgotten his commitment to the protection and promotion of the island’s underwater heritage
Five of the seven species of sea turtle visit the Martinique shoreline. Three of these species are observed very regularly: the hawksbill turtle, the leatherback turtle and the green turtle, which is the most common species in this area. In the south-west of the island, Les Anses-d’Arlet is the main feeding area for the young of this species before they reach maturity. It was mainly here that scientists studied the turtles as part of their mission in October 2018.

Relive these highlights of Monaco Explorations from 2017 / 2018, of which this is the first public exhibition.
The fate of many marine turtles depends on scientific knowledge as well as on actions to disseminate this knowledge. This mission of the Explorations of Monaco has combined particularly well these two aspects of the protection of the Ocean…

The Explorations of Monaco are a platform for H.S.H. Prince Albert II’s commitment to the knowledge, sustainable management and protection of the ocean. Created on the initiative of the Government of the Principality of Monaco, they the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Oceanographic Institute, the Monaco Scientific Scientific Centre and the Yacht Club of Monaco.
two intense weeks
Two intense weeks of scientific work in situ, rich in lessons and information, contributed to improving the knowledge and protection of this species. Innovative technologies combining on-board cameras and connected objects have been implemented. Two weeks that also gave rise to awareness-raising activities for the younger generation.
Damien Chevallier (IPHC) discovered that green turtles born on the coast of French Guiana came to ensure their growth for several years on the West Indian sea grass beds, particularly on the Anses d’Arlet site. Each year, micro-fragments of flesh, skin and carapace are taken from several individuals. Their analysis helps to better understand the origins of individuals and the health status of this population. The presence of contaminants or viruses can be detected. The turtles are captured underwater and brought to the surface.